What Now?
The residential markets have been dramatically reduced over the past couple of years and now the commercial markets are following… so where does that leave you?

The answer is really very simple - government contracts. The United States Federal Government contracts over $240 billion annually, and by law 23% of that ($55-$60 billion) must go to small businesses. State and local governments spend an additional $790 billion annually with an average of almost 60% of those contracts going to small businesses. Now that’s a government stimulus package!

Why Do I Need The Mercury Group?
The average small business owner either lacks the experience to successfully bid government contract work or is simply too busy with the day to day operation of their business to spend the additional time… and that’s where we come in.

For over 6 years The Mercury Group has been successfully locating, bidding on and procuring Federal, State and Local government contract work for service oriented businesses just like yours.

Take a Look
We invite you explore our website and learn more about our services and our experience, and then when you are ready to tap into the extremely profitable market that is government contracts… we’re ready to help.